every Thursday at 8 pm EDT, we present Radio Out of the past with some exciting old-time-radio programs.
Now, let us read what Matt will be playing on Thursday July 9, 2012 at 8:30 pm EDT.
You wouldn’t think 1948 was a year for classic literature in 1949 but The NBC University Theater would disagree with you. On July 5th in the Fred Bertelsen room we’ll be listening to a novel that Bennet Cerf
refered to as “one of the five best novels of 1948.” Join us as we present Thornton Wilder’s “The ides Of March.”
It’s the story of ancient Rome and more specifically of the last days of Julius Caesar. While it is a work of fiction we’ll be getting a good idea of Cesar’s last days. We’ll start at 8 pmEDT with our general talk of OTR. Then at 8:30 I’ll take over with this fascinating book. It’s at http://www.radiooutofthepast.org and in
the Bertelsen room. Look forward to seeing you. Matt