Same Time, Same Station 02/02/2025 Hal Peary and Willard Waterman Part 2.
“The Great Gildersleeve 05/28/1947 ep251 Gildy Gives Up Cigars. Willard Waterman is back as Mr.
Purvis, insurance salesman.
“We Care” 09/26/1948 A Bimbo From Limbo. Harold Peary, Virginia Gregg, Anne Whitfield, Willard
“Fibber McGee And Molly” 05/17/1954 (0900) Fibber on Trial.
“The Great Gildersleeve) 04/06/1949 Ep322 Baby’s Birthday Party and scheduling Conflicts.
“The Great Gildersleeve” 10/03/1951 Ep412 Gildy Wants To Be Re-Elected.
If you would like to request shows, please call (714) 449-1958
Larry Gassman:
John Gassman: